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A member registered Oct 31, 2017

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Is this still in development?

I tried but it said the link was invalid :/

I totally get it, and that makes a lot of sense...What tier of patron would have access to stuff like that, out of curiosity? Tax season is among us...

Okay! Is the non-public version going to be available for purchase? Or is it something for after everything is finished?

Is there something I'm missing, or is the current version locked to the "but you're fine where you are" type of options? 

Good to know, thanks!

Is there a way to add the DLC to a game without upsetting your saves? I'd like some DLC but I'm not emotionally ready to start the game again

I'm really digging Scout, An Absinthian Ballad is good too but not as far along

You got this!

Thanks for the update! Love the story so far

3 parts sounds fine to me! plus, it would tide everyone over until the 3rd part I'd imagine

This is a super cool idea! Can't wait for it to be fully released!

Yesss! Very excited for you! is my email ^-^

I think a CG of Ash playing marbles with the children would be a nice addition, where there's a few frames of black!

I got 'Golden Boy', not sure which Sterling ending you're talking about off the top of my head.

Playing through Beau's route seemed to do the trick..odd. Thank you so much for the quick reply!

I ran through the credits...I'm going to try a quick run through of another route to see if that might make a difference for some reason.

RockRobin community · Created a new topic Open Ended mode

I've just re-downloaded this game (for my third play though, oops), and finished Dallas' route, but it won't it me play open-ended mode yet? Is this a bug, or do I have to play through all3 routes of story mode first?

I will go through all the questions after I finish all the routes, in every way possible. But I just wanted to note (((minor spoilers possibly))) that I love the little details added into the story with the customization, like how the chef likes red heads, or that Braums' lost tent was green like the players eyes, etc. Just such cute minor things, that really show the work put into fleshing out the story!

How do you move your files from the "original" game to the Golden version? I see that you've updated it so you can, but am unsure where to find out how to do it. :)